Thursday, March 8, 2012

Ron Saks Project: Jessica Landscape II

I went out and shot some photos for this project this week. 
I found out this bird feeder on campus. When the first time I saw it, I had this strong impression that this was a place. A place for someone to live in. It has fences, houses, and its owners -- birds. 

This place waits for its owners to come back everyday and watches its owners to leave everyday. 

I took some other photos of campus. 

These are my contact sheets.


  1. The first image is your most successful image because the framing removes our knowledge that this is one of the CCAD bird feeders. I can see where you are going with peaceful but with the tilt of the camera, it feels off balance… Watch out for the dreaded Grilled Cheese (the image is *almost* cut in half).
    How will your image align with the other images produced by your group?
    I know that you do not have a car but you do have your CCAD ID which gets you onto any of the COTA buses… make a plan to get away from the campus… explore… bring a friend and pick a neighborhood.

  2. I really like your images with the bird house. I love how it can fit into both atmospheres. I'm not sure how I feel about the stones in the second version of it though. The blue in them is a little distracting. Maybe bring down that color of the blue & it might work better.

  3. Read the blog from march 5th, So everyone knows what the schedule is and there are no misunderstandings! thanks!
